Silver Needle
Silver Needle
Silver Needle

Silver Needle — Baihao Yinzhen

Regular price$11.00
Free shipping for all tea orders over $20.

Silver Needle (Baihao Yinzhen) is a beautiful White Tea (Bai Cha) from Zhenghe, Fujian Province with a mint, sweet, tart taste and a smooth, medium body mouthfeel.

Like all of our teas, we only source the "Grand Cru" version of Silver Needle (Baihao Yinzhen) through our exclusive relationships with the most sought after tea farmers in China.

About Silver Needle (Bai Hao Yinzhen)

Silver Needle (Bai Hao Yinzhen) is a very famous Chinese White tea. The quality of Silver Needle varies significantly depending on where it is grown and how carefully it is processed.

While the highest regard is given to Fuding Silver Needle, our Zhenghe Silver Needle one ups anything you'll find in the West. Our Silver Needle is a "Lao Bai Cha" — an "aged" White tea. Aged White teas have richer flavors and health benefits compared to White tea you'll find in any old tea shop. That's why our Silver Needle commands a high price on the open market, and we've been lucky enough to bring ours to the US to share with our customers.

Tea Profile

  • Category: White Tea (Bai Cha)
  • Location: Zhenghe, Fujian Province
  • Pick: Spring 2020
  • Special Properties: Famous Tea, Aged, Health Boosting
  • Aroma: Floral, Light
  • Taste: Mint, Sweet, Tart
  • Mouthfeel: Smooth, Medium Body
  • Aftertaste: Minty
  • Sensory Experience: Cooling
  • Roast: None
  • Oxidation: Light

Best Brewed in Glass or Ceramic

Water Temperature 175°F
Amount of tea 4 grams of tea
Brew Covered or Uncovered Uncovered
Rinse None
Brew Times

Ceramic or Glass

  • 1st Brew: 2 minutes
  • 2nd Brew: 1 minute
  • 3rd Brew: 2 minutes

In Store Pickup is free at our Oakland location.

Overnight and Domestic shipping available.

For international shipping, please contact John directly at:

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